where Xxxx is your name with the first letter only capitalized. If your name does not come out, they will automatically do a search for names containing the first few letters of your name. For example, when I type:
a search of names containing 'Ron' comes out (170 names contain 'Ron'!). I look up Ronald or Ronaldo, the closest name match. It's only 2 out of 5 stars. When I click on the search item 'Ronald,' I am directed to:
I find that Ronald is within the 200th to 300th most popular name in the US. The highest ranking it got was 3rd, during the 1930s to the 1950s.The name Ronaldo is somewhere between the 700th and 900th most commonly used names in the US. When I click on the "Considering this name?" tab for Ronaldo, I am directed to:
which again contains survey results on if people with this name would advise it to parents as a baby name, if people commonly mispronounce or incorrectly spell the name (and also in other languages), if people with this name are bullied a lot because of their name and how it can be used for bullying, and finally if people with this name like the name. Very informative. I have a couple of baby names already in mind that turned out positive/optimistic results. :-D
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