Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Live Your Structural Engineering Dreams with Bridge Constructor

Bridge Constructor is an app for iOS and Android devices. There is a free version that is limited to only 6 levels, and a $0.99 version that has around 100 levels, maybe? Found out about this on ReadWriteWeb.

Reminds me though about this free Windows app that we used to play around with, ca. 2002 or 2003, called the "West Point Bridge Designer." Apparently, there is also now a Mac version (that's also free). You can download the software and have some structural engineering fun at this link.

If you think "physics puzzler" games like Angry Birds, Where's My Water, and Amazing Alex are fun, you'll find this kind of game quite fun as well as it is basically a physics-based game as well. Well actually, WPBD is more like a learning tool, but you can gamify it (i.e. compete with your friends to design the most efficient bridge systems) just as the Bridge Constructor app has done for mobile devices.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Watch the best of original web series on Blip

On broadcast TV, you probably watch soap operas, like MMK, and some Korean and other foreign-language, telenovelas. Those shows as well as shows like Lost, or House, or even reality shows like Survivor and The Ultimate Fighter are a group of individual TV shows that can basically be categorized as a TV series. Obviously, it is because they are a series of continuous episodes usually on a daily or weekly basis. They are usually 30 minutes to 1 hour long, or 20 to around 45 minutes minus the commercials. In one year, there are usually around over 20 to 25 individual episodes, or in one season, around 10 to 15 episodes.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Bye-bye, productivity. Hello, unlimited LEGOs on Google Chrome.

A model of Trafalgar Square, London in Legoland Windsor.
Image from Wikipedia.
Well, not really unlimited. Just 8 trillion LEGO blocks. Check out Build with Chrome, accessible to the whole world but now featuring only Australia, you can build with LEGO anywhere on the map. Really cool. You can also view other people's LEGO creations in full 3D. I (heart) LEGO.

By the way, you need to use the Google Chrome browser for this. If you're not using Google Chrome yet, download and install it nowFound out about "Build with Chrome" from this article on The Next Web where they and their readers have first said that productivity really dives down when you start playing around with this. Consider yourself warned. :D

Friday, July 27, 2012

Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday song

I have liked this version of "Happy Birthday" since the first time I heard it sung by a bunch of African-Americans to one of their friends somewhere in Northern California, sometime in the 1990's. Years later, I found out it was Stevie Wonder who sang this.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The future of infographics, the "Green" Brooklyn Bowl, and new pinspotters

Have you heard of infographics? They're graphic with info. Duh. But seriously, there are good and bad infographics out there. But now, with all these technologies available, why not make smart, interactive infographics? Well, here's one.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Eavesdrop on this artist's iPhone for the next few months

This Germany-based "interface artist" named Johannes P Osterhoff has recently launched iPhone-live.net, where you can watch him stream stuff from his iPhone screen live (at certain schedules). Otherwise if you visit there and his streaming is off, you can just view at screenshots of apps he has launched since starting this 1-year "performance" project. Cool. First saw this on Cult of Mac.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Aaron Sorkin: One Director, Plenty of Movies and TV Shows, and a lot of recycled dialogue, recurring phrases, and familiar plot lines

From Kevin Porter, the guy who edited this "supercut": This video is a tribute to the work of Aaron Sorkin... This is not intended as a critique but rather a playful excursion through Sorkin's wonderful world of words. Scenes taken from:

A Few Good Men
Sports Night
The West Wing
Studio 60
Charlie Wilson's War
The Social Network
and Tom Hanks' 1993 Oscar Speech for some reason

Thursday, July 19, 2012

How the World's Greatest Workplace was Built

The original title is "5 steps to creating the world's greatest workplace." It's one thing to teach this to people, would-be entrepreneurs, managers, and so on. But actually, that "world's greatest workplace" has already been built. Listen to this 40-minute talk by Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley. Their company won an award for being "the most democratic workplace" for 2011. Of course not everything mentioned in this talk is applicable everywhere. But the question is, are you creating or participating in the world's greatest workplace? What are you doing about it?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What if your iPhone was fatally attracted to you?

WARNING: Rated PG-13.

This is a cool and funny and well-made video. Haha. The chorus goes with a catchy "There's an app for that." Check out this song / music video titled "iMan" by Luke Escombe and the Corporation.

First found out about this thru Cult of Mac.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Apple Computer, Inc. used to sell clothes and accessories!

And furniture and windsurfing boards. Even Swiss knives. Stationery. Jugs and mugs. Scooters. Toys. And they used cheesy-looking models. Via a catalog. But hey, this was the 80's. Check out The Apple Collection on Imgur.

Actually, today you can still buy Apple shirts at Apple headquarters. I want the "Daddy's favorite peripheral" shirt for babies. :D

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Awesome Hand-Picked Videos

Hey, guess what. It's competition. But it's cool. Check out Devour.com. It's really cool. I might just pick some videos from there as well. :D  Actually since Devour.com and RAW are being run by two different people, it's two different things altogether. Two different tastes. So some of you will like one and not the other. Sure, there will be some intersections. But the thing is, it's like two news channels. One will have a different view of the world from the other. For some of you, you might want to check out both. My one gripe though about Devour.com, after playing around with it for a few minutes, is that there's no automatic play all button. So that you can just sit back and relax and watch all those interesting videos. Unlike what Vimeo Couch Mode offers. Or what we have at RAW TV and R2. But unlike RAW, they have some site customization options. They have channels, but hey, that's what rTV is for.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Dog vs. Dog

Just a couple of sibling dachshund puppies playing actually, a 2-month old and a 6-month old.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012

A mashup video of all 135 NASA Space Shuttle launch videos

First seen on The Verge.

[IMPORTANT] Check if your computer has the DNS Changer Malware. Now!

Because if you do, within the next week you won't get to access many internet websites. Your computer will be visiting scam websites instead. That's basically the gist of it.

For more information, check out the website of the DNS Changer Working Group at http://www.dcwg.org/.

To check if your computer has the DNS Changer Malware, just go to http://www.dns-ok.us/ and it will automatically check your computer. It's in English though and it's on a US server; meanwhile there are other servers you can find on the DCWG website in other languages and in other parts of the world that might be closer to you.

If your computer is safe, it should have this image showing up with a light green background color:

If not, the DCWG website has links directing you to how you can fix your system, and how you can protect from similar malware in the future.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Audiovisual Aerial Performance

I have a (partial) video of this act while they were performing for the opening ceremonies of this conference I attended back in 2011 in Amsterdam. Then I saw this opening act for a TEDx conference (TEDx Brainport) in the Netherlands just this year. It's apparently the same group. The TEDx organizers call it an audiovisual aerial performance. Complete with live music (at least for last year's performance). Interesting. Check it out.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Download free children's e-books in English or Filipino

From Canvas.PH! Canvas is a non-stock, non-profit organization committed to making their literature as accessible and affordable as possible for everyone to enjoy. Some titles include: "Doll Eyes," "Mang Tomas and His Jeep," and "Earth Tales: 3 Ecofables for Children." Canvas is open to donations. Check it out!!!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bird rides infront of Racecar

This is just so cool! I'm sure the bird thought it too.

Thanks to my friend RB for sharing this link!

Monday, July 2, 2012


Happy 55 months of togetherness, M! ;-)

Thanks to my friend MC for sharing this link!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Caetano Veloso singing Nirvana's "Come as You Are"

Memory... ahh! Caetano Veloso is a Brazilian composer, singer, guitarist, writer, and political activist (from Wikipedia). His music can be classified as B-Pop (I just invented that, but it's basically Brazilian Pop Music), "tropicalismo," psychedelic rock, and folk rock. Check out his discography on Amazon.com.