Friday, September 30, 2011
That Isn't Art
People post ridiculous "art" to Tumblr. These pieces frequently make it into Popular. Garrett Murray reblogs them in That Isn't Art and call them out for being stupid. If you wanna be featured called out by Murray, you can make one of these yourself by following the instructions at
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Sub City New York and Paris
This is from, probably the #1 site in the same blogspace as RAW. You heard that right, they're competition. Nah. But they're really cool, I like them a lot. And you will, too, I'm sure. Anyways, the videos about Sub City New York and Paris "are two short films about that moment in New York and Paris when you emerge from the subway and find yourself in a new and sometimes unexpected world." Check these Vimeos out.
Household Chores Can Be a Great Medicine for Heartbreak
Yup. Two things you don't want in your life. The other substitute for something of the same kind. But seriously, read the article on LifeHacker: Household Chores Can Be a Great Medicine for Heartbreak
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
[For Married Couples] How To Avoid Trapped Arm Whilst Cuddling In Bed
A little bit of dating humor from How To Avoid Trapped Arm Whilst Cuddling In Bed.
Do Musicians Have Better Brains?
Read this blog article on the Freakonomics blog. Oh and if you haven't read them yet, read the Freakonomics books
. They are highly recommended reads.
Friday, September 23, 2011
[Today Only!] Philippines vs Chinese Taipei FIBA Quarterfinals
Philippines vs Chinese Taipei at 6pm (Philippines/Taiwan/China Time) live on AKTV13 (IBC13) & BTV in Manila, and online here:
Turn fitness into a game where everyone wins
It's still in a limited beta, but you can try requesting for an invite code for now. The idea is, in games of today, there are things like leaderboards, and quests, and badges/medals/rewards and so on. Here, there are these same game elements but instead of playing games, you do physical activities that hopefully would get you become more fit. Check it out at
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ellen DeGeneres' housekeeper
is Pinay! Watch "Mindy" interview winners at the recent Emmy Awards from Ellen's Video Gallery, showing clips from The Ellen DeGeneres Show. You can watch more at Mindy's Movie Minute videos all from The Ellen DeGeneres Show as well.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
[puzzles] The Google Puzzle
I never heard of this one before. Have you? Check it out at Apparently it's Japanese-made and so it's available in English or in Japanese. I also learned about this one through an online ad in Japanese. Check it out, it's free. Works best with the Chrome Browser though.
Submarine Cable Map!
This is cool. You can see a map of submarine cables that connect computers across nations across large bodies of water. Check it out at As my friend Rad said, "this is the Internet."
Sunday, September 18, 2011
[Limited Time] Free Game Download!
This is for real guys. If you haven't heard about Portal (and Portal 2) yet, watch this video trailer/teaser. FYI, Portal was released in 2007. It's that old and yet you probably haven't heard of it because it costs $20 usually - I only heard about it this year as well and I'm only for free games. Basically it's one of the most innovative games in recent years.
But before that, download it first because Portal is free on Steam (the gaming platform) only until September 20th!
Friday, September 16, 2011
Don't tell me this ain't cool...
Watch this video on YouTube and if you want more, go check out the whole collection of videos on their channel. Of course, there are always those "suggested" links to the right. :D
Ever heard of Dynamo?
He's 10 years younger than David Blaine, and he's more into hip-hop. Watch his whoa-inducing magic tricks at his YouTube channel, but better yet, check out his blog (as of today, it's not been updated since Jan 2011 though).
More whoa!
Don't worry. You're not the only one in awe. Watch the "Impossible Magic Trick" video on You might have seen it before already, though.
This is cool! Can you do this?
Watch the video first: If you wanna know how to do it yourself, check out this second video:
When grandma & grandpa are in front of the laptop
This is an old one but I don't recall ever sharing it. Watch and read about Mr. & Mrs. Huffman at the Huffington Post:
Thursday, September 15, 2011
I have never seen...
...a really cool, more futuristic, yet very feasible-in-the-near-future set of cars than this showcased at the Frankfurt Motor Show. Check. It. Out!
That's "Useless But Fun." Check out this experiment called "Google Gravity." It's Google search - that really works! - but with gravity. Try doing a search. Try also moving the window around. I haven't yet tried it in a mobile browser or a computer with accelerometers though!
The reason behind the changes in Star Wars
The Star Wars' two trilogies have been released on blu-ray (i.e. the medium that's supposedly better than DVD, which replaced the CD, which replaced cassettes, and so on). Star Wars fanatics notice slight changes that anger them. Why did George Lucas make those changes? Watch the "George Lucas Strikes Back" {HD Trailer} on YouTube. :-D
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The (New) Robot Dance
No, it doesn't have to be robotty. Anyway, you haven't seen what robots are capable of (in terms of dancing) until you have watched Keepon. His/her/its first dance video is here: But his first real music video is to the tune of Spoon's "Don't You Evah". Hear more from one of its inventors on today's episode of the CNET Crave Podcast.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Infographics are cool is a website about Infographics & Visualizations. From there you can create, share, and explore a ton of infographics. One of the easier ones to use and create an infographic out of, off the bat, is the Twitterizer. Here's mine, compared vis-a-vis Conan O'Brien's Twitter stats: And, before I show you this another interesting infographic, let me ask you a question. Are you using Yahoo! or Gmail or something else (what?) for your e-mail? Okay, check this out:
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Run Windows apps on Mac or Linux
No Windows license required (unlike Bootcamp, VMWare Fusion, or Parallels)! Not all apps are supported yet so go try the app first - it's called CrossOver. Take note that they have two versions, one for general purpose Windows apps, the other for Windows games (usually the full screen ones); and they have a bundle (both versions) option as well.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
6 Dollar Shirts!
Where else! Order them at Warning: not all designs are appropriate.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
More High Wow-Factor Videos - This one is "A short love story in stop motion" by Carlos Lascano. - Rick Mereki has 3 very interesting, very innovative, very creative videos (titled "MOVE," "LEARN," and "EAT") - "Gulp," the world's largest stop-motion animation shot on a Nokia N8. By Nokia, of course. Talk about how money can buy you things. The making of "Gulp" is shown in this video: - Rick Mereki has 3 very interesting, very innovative, very creative videos (titled "MOVE," "LEARN," and "EAT") - "Gulp," the world's largest stop-motion animation shot on a Nokia N8. By Nokia, of course. Talk about how money can buy you things. The making of "Gulp" is shown in this video:
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